Afghanistan - The West’s dilemma

Afghanistan - The West’s dilemma
Fiction; Interview; Documentary; Speech; Parliamentary debate
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John Greenwood presents this investigation into the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, background, implications and what actions the West should take including boycott of Moscow Olympic games. Speaking are: US President Jimmy Carter; Dr Adeed Dawisha, Deputy Director of Studies, Royal Institute of International Affairs; Nikolai Lunkov, Soviet Ambassador to London; UK Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher; speaker from France (not identified); NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns; Deputy Commander in Chief Sir John Stacey; Dutch Foreign Minister Christoph van der Klaauw; Norwegian Prime Minister Odvar Nordli (through interpreter); British military representative in Brussels, Sir Anthony Morton; Frank Allaun MP; former Prime Minister Edward Heath; International Olympic Committee President Lord Killanin (Michael Morris); Dutch politician Dr Cornelius Birkheuer(?); Olympic judo competitor Brian Jacks; Secretary of the British Amateur Athletics Board, David Shaw; Olympic pentathlon star Danny Nightingale; UK Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington (Peter Carington). Also reading from Wizard comic story from 1930s (male reader not identified).
Jimmy Carter; Margaret Thatcher; Edward Heath; Frank Allaun; John Greenwood; Joseph Luns; Peter Carington; Christoph van der Klaauw; John Stacey; Nikolai Lunkov; Adeed Dawisha; David Shaw; Michael Morris; Odvar Nordli; Cornelius Birkheuer(?); Brian Jacks; Danny Nightingale; Anthony Morton
USA; Deaths; Politics; Foreign affairs; Sport; Government; Armed forces; UK; Afghanistan; Foreign relations; USSR; International relations; France; Military affairs; Economic sanctions; Germany; Olympic games; Weapons; Oil; Athletes; Nuclear weapons; Cold War; Arms control; Diplomacy; NATO; Arms race; Belgium; Foreign policy; Defence policy; Netherlands; Nuclear warfare; Europe; Missiles; Navy; Sportsmen; Political leaders; Valery Giscard d’Estaing; Yugoslavia; Josip Broz Tito; Moscow; International defence; East West relations; Norway; Comics; Rudyard Kipling; Bill Sampson; Brandt Commission; Wizard

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