After eight

After eight
Interview; Documentary; Press conference; Speech; Special
TX Date
Sep 1979
Year of production
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After Eight. The programme examines the political future of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, after the Commonwealth conference held in Lusaka, Zambia (08/79). The speakers include: Kenneth Kaunda, Zambian President; Shridath (Sonny) Ramphal, Commonwealth Secretary General; Malcolm Fraser, Australian Prime Minister; Robert Muldoon, New Zealand Prime Minister; UK Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington (Peter Carington); Joe Clark, Canadian Prime Minister; Joshua Nkomo, ZAPU leader (at camp in Zambia, with singing of refugees); Julius Nyerere, Tanzanian President; Margaret Thatcher, UK Prime Minister. Male presenter not identified. In two parts.
Margaret Thatcher; Peter Carington; Joshua Nkomo; Malcolm Fraser; Shridath Ramphal; Kenneth Kaunda; Robert Muldoon; Joe Clark; Julius Nyerere
Zimbabwe Rhodesia; Conferences; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Rhodesia; Commonwealth of Nations; Commonwealth countries; Abel Muzorewa; Africa; Political refugees; Lusaka

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