Decision makers

Decision makers
Interview; Documentary
TX Date
5 Nov 1983
Year of production
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Decision Makers. Countdown to Cruise, presented by Judith Dawson. On fears over USA control of the Cruise missiles due to arrive in the UK shortly and our relationship with the US; risks to the Greenham Common protesters from US protection of the site (singing of protesters heard); concerns placing of Cruise missiles is damaging East-West relations and making us a target; Labour non-nuclear defence policy; arms reduction talks. Defence correspondent Paul Maurice describes the Cruise missile and its capabilities. Views and opinions from: Defence Secretary Michael Heseltine; Bruce Kent, CND leader; Bob Nuerick(?) International Institute for Strategic Studies; Labour MPs Robin Cook, Denis Healey and Denzil Davies; Greenham Common protester (not identified). Engineer Dave Dawson. Break in recording.
Michael Heseltine; Denis Healey; Robin Cook; Dave Dawson; Bruce Kent; Judith Dawson; Paul Maurice; Bob Neurick(?); Denzil Davies
USA; Peace; Labour Party; Margaret Thatcher; UK; USSR; International relations; Demonstrations; Defence; Nuclear weapons; Arms control; NATO; Defence policy; Missiles; Ronald Reagan; Anti-nuclear movements; Greenham Common; Peaceful protest; National defence; Personal safety; East West relations

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