Decision makers

Decision makers
Interview; Documentary; Speech
TX Date
11 Oct 1984
Year of production
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Documentary on the Conservative Party, presented by Peter Spencer, with political editor Peter Murphy. Looks at the upcoming Queen’s Speech (clip from previous speech), the Miners’ Strike, drugs, privatisation and industry. Part 2 is an in-depth interview with Norman Tebbit on the Tory conference and the topics raised. Contributions from Home Secretary Leon Brittan; Health Minister Kenneth Clarke; Conservative Party Chairman John Gummer; Social Services Secretary Norman Fowler; Chancellor Nigel Lawson; Employment Secretary Tom King; Defence Secretary Michael Heseltine; Local Government Minister Kenneth Baker; Environment Secretary Patrick Jenkin; Industry Secretary Norman Tebbit. Researcher: Claire(?) Michele(?); Engineer: Dave Dawson.
Norman Fowler; Peter Spencer; Norman Tebbit; Michael Heseltine; Patrick Jenkin; Peter Murphy; Queen Elizabeth II; Tom King; Kenneth Baker; Kenneth Clarke; Dave Dawson; Nigel Lawson; Leon Brittan; John Gummer; Claire(?) Michele(?)
Politics; Legislation; Industry; Strikes; Labour disputes; Margaret Thatcher; Parliamentary bills; Parliament; Conservative Party; Political conferences; Conferences; Privatization; Illegal drugs; Coal miners; Speeches; Coal Strike (1984-1985); Law reform; Brighton

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