Decision makers

Decision makers
Interview; Documentary; Speech; Parliamentary debate; Advertisement
TX Date
14 Mar 1985
Year of production
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Are our MPs overworked? MPs from all major parties discuss the impact on constituencies and MPs’ home lives of longer working hours in the Commons, especially as a result of late-night sittings, which some argue have a damaging effect on legislation brought before Parliament. Also looks at the work of standing committees, and the delaying tactics employed to slow down the progress of bills through Parliament. With contributions from Christopher Chope, Brian Sedgemore (in the House), Jack Straw, John Biffen, and Simon Hughes. Presented by Terry Dignan; Engineer: Dave Dawson. With adverts before the programme starts and during the break.
Jack Straw; Dave Dawson; Terry Dignan; Christopher Chope; John Biffen; Simon Hughes; Brian Sedgemore
Politics; Legislation; Parliamentary bills; Working conditions; Parliament; Parliamentary systems; Members of Parliament; Committees; Parliamentary process

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