Our kind of town

Our kind of town
Interview; Documentary
TX Date
17 Feb 1980
Year of production
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Our Kind of Town, presented by Keith Howell. Howell speaks to Jean Ware and her husband Hugh Hunt, authors of a new book - The Several Lives of a Victorian Vet - based on the life of Welsh vet Griffith Evans. Ware, the granddaughter of Evans, describes his life advancing veterinary techniques and reaching his one hundredth birthday. Hunt describes Evans’s time in London and his shock at the high levels of prostitution and poverty. James Graham-Campbell, author of The Viking World, is presenting an exhibition at the British Museum and discusses the nature of the Vikings and their raids on Britain. Campbell adds that the Vikings were excellent farmers as well as sailors and raiders, and talks about their relationship to Christianity. In two parts, divided by short break in audio.
Keith Howell; Jean Ware; Hugh Hunt; James Graham-Campbell
Books; Religion; Wales; Biography; History; Christianity; Archaeology; Boats; English history; Museums; Coins; Veterinary surgeons; European history; National museums; Silver; Veterinary services; Vikings; Griffith Evans; James Herriot; The Several Lives of a Victorian Vet; Veterinary medicine; Anglo-Saxon period; Early Medieval period; Northern Europe; Slaves; Bullion market

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