Brian Hayes show

Brian Hayes show
Interview; Talk show; Phone-in; Advertisement; Trailer
TX Date
31 May 1990
Year of production
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Brian Hayes talk show. Includes phone-in with the public on prayer, poll tax (community charge) and bus shelters; interviews with Ann Leslie of the Daily Mail following her article The Rivals about Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev and reform in the USSR; with television producer Peter Gordon on his show shown on the BBC last night, Present Imperfect, about the life of an unusual young man Thornton Streeter. Brian Hayes uses aggressive questioning and interruptions throughout. Includes advertisements and trailer for Midday News with Peter Deeley. Programme cut after 17 minutes as rest of tape corrupt (main interview was with Richard Rodney Bennett, composer).
Brian Hayes; Peter Deeley; Peter Gordon; Ann Leslie
Elections; Politics; USSR; Political reform; Community charge; Local taxation; Television documentaries; Buses; Boris Yeltsin; Mikhail Gorbachev; Economic reform; Glasnost; Present Imperfect; Thornton Streeter

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This record has been viewed 280 times.