Sir Geoffrey Howe makes mini-budget statement to House of Commons

Sir Geoffrey Howe makes mini-budget statement to House of Commons
News report; Speech; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
2 Dec 1981
Year of production
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A programme based around the mini-budget statement made to the House of Commons by Conservative chancellor Sir Geoffrey Howe. The speech is introduced by reporter Peter Murphy who also comments throughout the reading. Report includes actuality of the Parliamentary debate preceeding the speech. Howe’s budget is followed by a studio dicussion between an unidentified male presenter and LBC financial editor Douglas Moffitt, Michael Hughes of De Zoete and Bevan stockbrokers, Alan Sapper of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and Dermot Glynn of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). Recording ends abruptly during discussion with Alan Sapper and Dermot Glynn. Male presenter not identified.
Geoffrey Howe; Peter Murphy; Bruce Douglas-Mann; Alan Sapper; Douglas Moffitt; Michael Hughes; Dermot Glynn
Budgets; Government; Inflation; Health services; Parliament; Conservative Party; Unemployment; Civil servants; Council housing; Pensions; Michael Heseltine; Members of Parliament; National budgets; Public expenditure; Government spending; Income tax; Educational grants; National insurance

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