Foreign news review ‘95

Foreign news review ‘95
News report; Interview; Speech; Special
TX Date
28 Dec 1995
Year of production
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Foreign News Review ‘95, presented by Paul Maurice. Multiple speakers and reporters - see contributors. Stories include: conflict in former Yugoslavia and role of United Nations and Red Cross; disasters in Japan including earthquake in Kobe and nerve gas attacks in Tokyo; Michael Foale, first British man to walk in space; Barings Bank scandal and arrest of Nick Leeson; Queen Elizabeth II honouring Nelson Mandela in South Africa; floods in South Africa; execution of Nick Ingram in United States; car bomb explosion in Oklahoma and arrest of Timothy McVeigh; election of Jacques Chirac as French President; talks between US President Bill Clinton and Russian leader Boris Yeltsin in Moscow; disease in Africa including ebola; Burma political situation; VE Day and VJ Day anniversaries; Japanese apologies and fight for compensation from veterans; death of Alison Hargreaves in Himalayas; crash of RAF Nimrod into Lake Ontario; French nuclear tests in South Pacific; Middle East peace initiative in Washington DC; death of Yitzhak Rabin; O.J. Simpson trial; NATO Secretary-General Willy Claes resigning; execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa in Nigeria.
Yasser Arafat; Queen Elizabeth II; Malcolm Rifkind; Shimon Peres; Paul Maurice; Yitzhak Rabin; Janet Schneider; Peter Jackson; Bill Clinton; Paul Chapman; Michael Foale; Simon Marks; Nelson Mandela; Peter Hitchens; Robert McGuire(?); Tim Marshall; Valery Abramov; Chris Gunness; Gary Coward; Louise Parker; Leighton Smith; Radovan Karadzic; Arthur Titherington; Aung San Suu Kyi; Jim Ballard; Madeleine Albright; Jim Bolger; Clive Bates; Jim Clancy; O. J. Simpson; Warren Christopher; Matt Stevens; Mike Christie; Vicky Gavalas; Troy Reeb; Willy Claes; Hussein bin Talal; Chidi Odinkalu; Olivier Fabre?
USA; Air accidents; Earthquakes; Deaths; Elections; Egypt; Israel; Middle East; Foreign affairs; Human rights; Floods; Fraud; Terrorism; Death penalty; South Africa; Russia; Military aircraft; Peace treaties; International relations; France; UN; Homicide; Queen Elizabeth II; Compensation; Royal visits; War crimes; Space exploration; NATO; Trials; Jacques Chirac; Palestine; Japan; Banking; Greenpeace; Executions; Africa; VE day; Wars (events); VJ Day; Yitzhak Rabin; Nuclear testing; Nelson Mandela; Yugoslavia; Nigeria; Disease; Mountaineering accidents; O. J. Simpson; Michael Foale; Arrests; Boris Yeltsin; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Serbia; Croatia; Ebola; Scott O’Grady; Burma; Nick Leeson; Barings Bank; Alison Hargreaves; Radovan Karadzic; Timothy McVeigh; Aung San Suu Kyi; Remembrance day; Willy Claes; Ken Saro-Wiwa; Yugoslav War (1991-1995); Anniversaries

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