Labour conference - Michael Foot speech

Labour conference - Michael Foot speech
News report; Speech
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Speech by leader Michael Foot presenting the Parliamentary report, at the 1982 Labour Party conference in Blackpool following a vote on the registration of Militant Tendency members. On the Conservative Government’s economic, industrial relations and unemployment record, and repercussions of US policies; socialism in Europe and withdrawal from EEC; non-nuclear defence policy and arms race; socialism across the world. Includes introductory address and vote results by conference Chair Dame Judith Hart. Male reporter at start not identified (poss. Robin Day). Sound level varies.
Judith Hart; Michael Foot; Robin Day?
USA; Politics; India; Trade unions; Government; Labour Party; Strikes; Labour disputes; Wages; Margaret Thatcher; Economics; EEC; Conservative Party; Political conferences; Unemployment; International relations; Socialism; Political parties; Conferences; Economic policy; Coal miners; NCB; Prime ministers; Nuclear weapons; Francois Mitterrand; Nuclear disarmament; Arms race; Presidents; Defence policy; Europe; Party politics; Ronald Reagan; Blackpool; Constitutions; International economic relations; Pressure groups; Militant Tendency; Economic conditions; Industrial policy; Registers; International economic affairs; Joan Lestor

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