Shah of Iran dies in exile

Shah of Iran dies in exile
News report; Interview; Obituary
TX Date
Jul 1980
Year of production
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Report on the death in exile of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (27/07/80) and a look at his legacy following his overthrow during the Iranian revolution in 1979. Includes archive interview with the Shah; recording of demonstrations in Tehran and London; interview with unidentified Iranian student leader; James Adams, Eight Days Magazine; Shoja Shojai, spokesman for the pro-monarchist group Iran Coalition; Jody Powell, White House press spokesman; Dorothea Morefield, wife of Tehran hostage in Richard Morefield. Reporters include: Barry Jordan; Philip Bacon; Keith Miller; Peter Willett; Roger Cooper; Neville Keith; Andrew Manderstam; Maurice Gindi. Male presenter not identified. Sound partly in mono.
Roger Cooper; Keith Miller; Andrew Manderstam; James Adams; Philip Bacon; Barry Jordan; Jody Powell; Mohammad Reza Pahlavi; Dorothea Morefield; Shoja Shojai; Peter Willett; Neville Keith; Maurice Gindi
Iran; Deaths; Exiles; Monarchy; Mohammad Reza Pahlavi; Shah of Iran; Heads of state; Royalty; Iranian revolution (1979); Ruhollah Khomeini

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