Tony Benn on Labour Party democracy

Tony Benn on Labour Party democracy
Interview; News bulletin; Phone-in; Advertisement; Trailer
TX Date
Sep 1981
Year of production
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Labour MP, Tony Benn’s latest book, Arguments for Democracy, is published today and he is challenging Denis Healey for deputy leadership of the Labour Party. He speaks at length to Barry Jordan about political structures, power and democracy, and takes calls from listeners. Programme also includes commercial break, travel, sport, and news bulletins read by Richard Robbins and Alan Clark. Also incomplete trailer for Mike Dickin’s radio programme. Begins mid-sentence.
Tony Benn; Mike Dickin; Richard Robbins; Barry Jordan; Alan Clark (LBC)
Trade unions; Labour Party; Daily Mirror; Harold Wilson; Margaret Thatcher; Northern Ireland; EEC; Referenda; UN; Civil servants; BBC; Political leadership; Socialism; Nuclear energy; Edward Heath; Common markets; House of Lords; Political reform; Capitalism; Michael Foot; Denis Healey; Official Secrets Act; British Coal; Treaty of Rome; Department of Energy; IPC

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