Brian Hayes review of 1977

Brian Hayes review of 1977
Interview; Discussion; Talk show
TX Date
31 Dec 1977
Year of production
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Brian Hayes looks back at his topical shows of 1977 and interviews with: Warren Mitchell, in persona of his character Alf Garnett on how Prince Philip should run the country; Harold Robbins on his writing career and racy novels; author of Watership Down, Richard Adams, on its screen adaptation, writing fiction and new novel Plague Dogs; James Hunt, champion racing driver; Chris Bonington who was about to climb K2; Mary Whitehouse discusses her book Whatever Happened to Sex? with Philip Hodson, a marriage guidance counsellor and agony uncle who gives his more modern views; Paul Foot of Socialist Worker and Robert Moss, National Association for Freedom discuss closed shop unions; Alan Price from The Animals on his career and labour disputes in his home town of Jarrow. Several short breaks in recordings, introduction to Chris Bonington interview is repeated.
Mary Whitehouse; Richard Adams; James Hunt; Alan Price; Chris Bonington; Robert Moss; Warren Mitchell; Philip Hodson; Paul Foot; Harold Robbins
Books; Authors; Actors; Trade unions; Animal rights; Popular music; Prince Philip; Sponsorship; Novelists; Royalty; Fiction; Music industry; Open and closed shop; Sexual behaviour; Comedians; Watership Down; Sex; Mountaineering expeditions; Mountaineers; Harold Robbins; The Animals; Rock music; Jarrow; Racing drivers; K2; Plague Dogs; Whatever Happened to Sex?; Alf Garnett (fictional characters)

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