Hayes on Sunday

Hayes on Sunday
Interview; Phone-in
TX Date
26 Jun 1977
Year of production
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Hayes on Sunday recaps the week’s shows and interviews with: Fred Perry on Wimbledon and the controversy that has surrounded it, the change to professionals, change in playing style and the greatest player he played. John Day of the Associated Examining Board on examinations and how they are produced. Shelagh Roberts head of GLC committee on planning and communications on possible large fare rises for London Transport, lack of reliability of buses and possibility of single-manned buses. Public phone-in questions for childcare expert Dr Hugh Jolly. Anthony Sampson, author of The Arms Bazaar on the international arms business. Ends with music.
Brian Hayes; Fred Perry; John Day; Anthony Sampson; Hugh Jolly; Shelagh Roberts
London; Sports competitions; Education; London Transport; GLC; Arms sales; Child care; Maternal and child health; Weapons; Arms control; Learning; Examinations; Fares; Wimbledon; Lawn tennis

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