French PM Laurent Fabius statement on Rainbow Warrior sinking

French PM Laurent Fabius statement on Rainbow Warrior sinking
Press conference; Speech
TX Date
Aug 1985
Year of production
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Statement (in French) by French Prime Minister Laurent Fabius, on the bombing of Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand (10/07/85). The ship was in the area to protest against French nuclear testing in the South Pacific. He talks about French surveillance of the ship by intelligence agents; a report by Bernard Tricot which clears the French Government of involvement with the sinking; confirming they will be referring the matter to the French judiciary to decide if any criminal acts have been committed, asking the Minister of Defence to begin an investigation, and seeking to improve exchange of information between France and New Zealand. Translation supplied by Ann Briggs.
Further information
Laurent Fabius
Shipwrecks; Reports; New Zealand; International relations; France; Espionage; Spies; Intelligence service; Greenpeace; Ships; Bombs; Criminal investigation; Rainbow Warrior; Bernard Tricot

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