Geoffrey Howe launches attack on Thatcher

Geoffrey Howe launches attack on Thatcher
News report; Interview; Speech
TX Date
11 Oct 1989
Year of production
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Paul Rowley reports on a speech by Deputy Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Howe, sacked as Foreign Secretary in the Cabinet reshuffle, where he delivers a coded attack on Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s style of government. At a fringe meeting at the Conservative conference in Blackpool to the Bow Group he called on the party to listen more to the public and not be afraid to change policies. Sir Geoffrey’s apparent demotion meant for the first time in 17 years he hasn’t addressed the main conference. Includes excerpts from speech and interview with Sir Geoffrey.
Geoffrey Howe; Paul Rowley
Margaret Thatcher; Conservative Party; Political conferences; Political leadership; Political parties; Conferences; Members of Parliament; Geoffrey Howe; Prime ministers; Politicians; Blackpool; Cabinet ministers

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