Nazi war criminals escaped prosecution

Nazi war criminals escaped prosecution
News report; Interview
TX Date
16 Nov 1988
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Leading post-war politicians and civil servants are being accused of a massive cover up which allowed some of the most vicious members of Hitler’s SS to escape prosecution in Britain. The war criminals are among more than ninety thousand prisioners of war who were set to work in labour camps. The claims are contained in a report commissioned by the all-party Parliamentary War Crimes Group. Greville Janner, the group’s Secretary, calls the claims shocking, whilst the group’s Chair, Merlyn Rees, says the country should just forget about it. Report by Elena Curti.
Greville Janner; Merlyn Rees; Elena Curti
Government; UK; Civil service; International relations; Germany; Nazis; War crimes; Second World War (1939-1945); SS; Wars (events)

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