Brian Hayes show - Sonny Ramphal

Brian Hayes show - Sonny Ramphal
Interview; News bulletin; Phone-in; Advertisement
TX Date
16 Jul 1978
Year of production
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Brian Hayes presents a show about the Commonwealth. He speaks to Secretary General Sir Shridath (Sonny) Ramphal who speaks about what it means to be part of the commonwealth, if the commonwealth is more than a collection of former British colonies, what the nations have in common, what they can do on issues within the commonwealth and the UN. He then takes phone calls on the impact of the EEC on member states, Guyana, race relations in Rhodesia, the brain drain of skilled people moving from under to more developed countries and democracies in the nations. Includes commercial breaks, news bulletins, traffic news and stocks and shares.
Brian Hayes; Shridath Ramphal
EEC; Interethnic relations; Great Britain; UN; Rhodesia; Commonwealth of Nations; Shridath Ramphal; International cooperation; Democracy; Emigration; Guyana; British Empire

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