Michael Foot general election phone-in

Michael Foot general election phone-in
Interview; Phone-in; Advertisement; Jingle
TX Date
29 May 1983
Year of production
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General Election interview and phone-in with Labour Party leader Michael Foot, presented by Peter Allen. An independent radio national network joint programme. Subjects covered include: Militant Tendency membership and candidates in the Labour Party; the abolition of the House of Lords; biased media coverage; trade union policy; industrial policy; education policy; economic policy; defence policy and nuclear disarmament; blood sports; housing policy and council house sales. Calls had been pre-selected. Includes advertisements (with Tom Baker, Tommy Vance); jingles; traffic news (with Tim Woodner(?)). In 2 parts.
Peter Allen; Michael Foot; Tom Baker; Tommy Vance; Tim Woodner(?)
Elections; Politics; Trade unions; Animal rights; Labour Party; Conservative Party; Political manifestos; Council housing; Political parties; Economic policy; House of Lords; Animal welfare; Educational policy; Mass media; Nuclear weapons; Nuclear disarmament; Defence policy; Party politics; Housing needs; Government policy; General elections; Michael Foot; Blood sports; Parliamentary candidates; National defence; Political leaders; Housing policy; Home ownership; Press coverage; Militant Tendency; Industrial policy

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