Belfast schoolboy killed by plastic bullet

Belfast schoolboy killed by plastic bullet
News report; Interview
TX Date
9 Aug 1989
Year of production
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Derval Fitzsimons reports on the death of fifteen-year-old schoolboy, Seamus Duffy, who was killed by a plastic bullet in Belfast during a night of sporadic rioting which marked the eighteenth anniversary of internment (09/08/89). The teenager’s parents say he was not involved in the violence and was an innocent victim, walking with a schoolfriend when he was hit. The RUC has expressed regret at the loss of a young life, saying details of the killing have still to be confirmed. The police say they fired the bullets when defending themselves against a rioting mob of several hundred people. Includes interviews with schoolfriend, Damien Brown; father, Brendan Duffy. Broadcast on Downtown Radio.
Downtown Radio; Derval Fitzsimons; Damien Brown; Brendan Duffy
Deaths; Northern Ireland; Police; UK; Adolescents; Riots; Policing practice; Weapons; Firearms; Belfast; RUC; Seamus Duffy

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