News bulletin on Iraq

News bulletin on Iraq
Speech; News bulletin
TX Date
14 Sep 1990
Year of production
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2 clips. 1: IRN news bulletin, read by Julie Benson, including a report on heavy armour being sent along with troops and fighter planes to Iraq. Defence Secretary Tom King says Iraq’s aggression cannot be allowed to continue. Iraq’s Information Minister, Latif Nussayif Jassim, says that Margaret Thatcher is only sending in extra troops to win votes at home, but she will not be re-elected by the British people. Foreign Office Minister William Waldegrave talks about a military raid on the homes of two western diplomats in Kuwait. 2: George Bush statement on UK troops being deployed.
Tom King; William Waldegrave; George H. W. Bush; Julie Benson; Latif Jassim
Aircraft; USA; Armed forces; Margaret Thatcher; UK; International relations; Weapons; Diplomats; Wars (events); Kuwait; Iraq; Gulf War (1990-1991); Canadian; French

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