Relatives’ anger over Lockerbie party

Relatives’ anger over Lockerbie party
TX Date
24 Jun 1989
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Nick Peters interviews Dan Cohen, spokesman for the relatives of the victims of the Lockerbie bombing (21/12/88). Two hundred and forty-three people died on board Pan Am flight 103, including Cohen’s 20 year-old daughter, Theodora Cohen. American relatives of those who died in the Lockerbie disaster are due to meet in New Jersey, but the people of Lockerbie have been told to stay away. Relations between the Scottish town and the US relatives have deteriorated following a party organised by Pan Am for the children of Lockerbie (03/06/89). Two of the Scottish local councillors who helped organise that party - Hugh Young and Moses Kungu - have travelled to America in a bid to improve relations. But they are being told they are not welcome at the relatives’ meeting.
Nick Peters; Dan Cohen
Terrorism; UK; Great Britain; Scotland; Family; Lockerbie bombing (1988); Lockerbie; Dan Cohen; Theodora Cohen; Kinship

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