Soviets accuse British of bugging diplomats

Soviets accuse British of bugging diplomats
News report; Interview
TX Date
4 Jun 1989
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Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe is under pressure to answer Soviet accusations that British spies have been bugging the offices and homes of Russian diplomats. The Soviet Ambassador has lodged a strong protest with the Foreign Office and, in an unprecedented move, embassy officials have given an exhibition to journalists of the variety of devices they claim to have uncovered during renovation work. The row is threatening to worsen Anglo-Soviet relations - already strained following last month’s tit-for-tat expulsions. Soviet Ambassador to London, Leonid Zamyatin attacks Britain; Soviet councillor Gregori Kerasin(?) speaks of active forces at work in Britain; Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesman, Gerald Kaufman asks why the Soviets should be pushing such propaganda. Simon Israel reports.
Gerald Kaufman; Simon Israel; Gregori Kerasin(?); Leonid Zamyatin
London; Government; UK; British; Embassies and consulates; Great Britain; USSR; Geoffrey Howe; Cold War; Spies; Diplomats; Equipment; Surveillance

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