USA attacks Libya during military exercises

USA attacks Libya during military exercises
News report; Interview; Speech; Technical
TX Date
21 Mar 1986
Year of production
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US forces have destroyed 12 Libyan missiles and a patrol boat during military exercises which turned hostile. A series of clips explains the reasons for the bombings, the targets hit and reports on reaction from around the world: statements by White House spokesman Larry Speakes; Secretary of Defence Caspar Weinberger; Barbara Campbell reports from Washington; Secretary of State George Shultz statement on USA policy; Senator Doug Warner supporting the action; reports from John Calcott(?) in Geneva, Jim Hushbuck(?) in Jerusalem; Giselle McAuliffe in London. Clips separated by beeps and numbered. Originally from United Press International. Also interspersed with 3 clips from Focus on the Family, James Dobson’s Family Commentary with interview on single parenthood, presented by Phil Reid(?).
Caspar Weinberger; John Calcott(?); Larry Speakes; George Shultz; Doug Warner; Barbara Campbell; Jim Hushbuck(?); Giselle McAuliffe; Phil Reid(?); UPI
USA; Israel; Terrorism; USSR; International relations; Missiles; Military exercises; Military operations; Boats; Family; Muammar al-Gaddafi; Libya; Nuclear weapons testing; Parents

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