Reaction to plane crash in Amsterdam

Reaction to plane crash in Amsterdam
News report; Interview
TX Date
5 Oct 1992
Year of production
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Clips of reaction to an El Al cargo plane crash into an Amsterdam apartment block after the pilot reported 2 engines on fire with over 200 people still missing.1. Eyewitness Ricky(?) Kate(?).2 Eyewitness Farouk Zoman(?) on the plane demolishing his apaprtment.3. Inspector Gerald Yonsons(?), Police spokesman at the crash scene.4.George Frohlich from Dutch radio station NCVR.5. Mother on trying in vain to save her daughter from her blazing apartment.6. James Bays reports from Amsterdam with Fred Deats(?) on rescue work.
James Bays; Farouk Zoman(?); Gerald Yonsons(?); Ricky(?) Kate(?); Fred Deats(?)
Air accidents; Deaths; Fires; Aeroplanes; Netherlands; Family; Rescue work; Explosions; El Al; Dead bodies; Amsterdam; Search and rescue work

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