Yugoslav War - International reaction

Yugoslav War - International reaction
News report; Press conference
TX Date
8 Aug 1992
Year of production
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Paul Woodley reports from New York on international reaction to the offer from Serb leaders in Bosnia to open their detention camps to world scrutiny. Both Britain and the United States have called for immediate action to discover exactly what is happening in the camps. UK Prime Minister, John Major has called for a speedy end to human rights abuses and US President, George H. W. Bush says he will not rest until the international community has gained access to all the camps. However, Bush remains wary of military involvement. Meanwhile there have been claims that the UN was aware of atrocities but the information was not passed on to the Security Council. Includes statements by President Bush; Bosnian Ambassador to the UN, Muhamed Sacirbey.
Paul Woodley; George H. W. Bush; Muhamed Sacirbey
USA; Human rights; Military affairs; UN; NATO; Concentration camps; Wars (events); Yugoslavia; Detention centres; Yugoslav War (1991-1995)

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