Parliament votes on embryo testing

Parliament votes on embryo testing
News report; Speech; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
24 Apr 1990
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Kevin Murphy reports on MPs’ vote (by a large majority in a free vote) to allow experiments on embryos for up to fourteen days after fertilisation. During the debate, Plaid Cymru’s Dafydd Wigley recalls the deaths of his own children as an argument in favour of the testing. Conservative MP, Bernard Braine likens it to Nazis testing on orphans. Health Secretary, Kenneth Clarke, Labour Party spokesperson Jo Richardson and the SDLP’s Seamus Mallon also give their views.
Jo Richardson; Kenneth Clarke; Dafydd Wigley; Seamus Mallon; Kevin Murphy; Bernard Braine
Deaths; Politics; Government; Medical ethics; Plaid Cymru; Children (age group); Members of Parliament; Children (family); Embryos; Medical research; Right to life; Dafydd Wigley

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