ANC can now legally assemble

ANC can now legally assemble
News report; Interview
TX Date
7 Apr 1990
Year of production
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On the 30th anniversary of South African Prime Minister, Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd’s passing the Unlawful Organisations Act to prevent the African National Congress from assembling, current President, F. W. de Klerk lifted that ban. A newly-released Nelson Mandela speaks about the ban that had left the ANC with no peaceful options for change, and Alan Brooks of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Britain says that South Africa would have no future were the ANC not involved in shaping it. Clive Myrie reports. Audio quality poor (conflicting audio in left channel).
Nelson Mandela; Clive Myrie; Alan Brooks
Legislation; Law; South Africa; UK; Political protests; Apartheid; Political systems; Political reform; Anti-apartheid movements; Protest movements; ANC; Nelson Mandela; Anniversaries; F. W. De Klerk; Unlawful Organizations Act; Anti-Apartheid Movement (Britain); Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd

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