Mortar bomb attack on 10 Downing Street

Mortar bomb attack on 10 Downing Street
News report; Interview; News bulletin
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Whitehall offices have been evacuated after terrorists attempted to blow up UK Prime Minister John Major and his war cabinet. Mortar bombs launched from outside the Ministry of Defence have landed in the garden of 10 Downing Street and the Foreign Office. Report includes eyewitness accounts from an unnamed male BBC worker, an unnamed male Foreign Office worker, London taxi driver Peter Thompson(?) and Education Secretary Kenneth Clarke. Northern Ireland reporter Ken Johnston explains why mortar bombs are used and defence expert Paul Beaver says the IRA could have been commissioned to carry out the attack by Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein. Midday News with Katherine Kelly.
Kenneth Clarke; Ken Johnston; Katherine Kelly; Paul Beaver; Peter Thompson(?)
London; Government; Northern Ireland; Terrorism; UK; Great Britain; IRA; England; Politicians; Bombs; John Major; Explosions; Foreign Office; Iraq; Whitehall; Ministry of Defence; Saddam Hussein; Downing Street

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