Docklands bombing

Docklands bombing
News report; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
13 Feb 1996
Year of production
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Robert Allen reports from Westminster, where, in an emergency statement in the House of Commons, John Major has called on the leaders of Sinn Fein to disassociate themselves from the IRA after Friday’s Docklands bombing. In this clip Commons speeches on the peace process and what should happen now from Major; Labour leader Tony Blair; SDLP leader John Hume; Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown; Leader of the Democratic Unionists, Dr Ian Paisley; John Taylor, Deputy Leader of the Ulster Unionists.
Ian Paisley; John Major; John Hume; Paddy Ashdown; Tony Blair; John Taylor; Robert Allen
London; Government; Internal politics; Northern Ireland; Parliament; Terrorism; Ireland; UK; Great Britain; IRA; House of Commons; Sinn Fein; Docklands; Conflict resolution; Peacebuilding; Explosions; Canary Wharf; South Quay

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