Salmon Rushdie interview on Kaleidoscope

Salmon Rushdie interview on Kaleidoscope
Interview; Speech; Special
TX Date
6 Feb 1990
Year of production
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Interview on the BBC Radio 4, Kaleidoscope programme (presented by Paul Allen) with writer, Salman Rushdie. The author talks about his life and work, and the ethics of being a writer. This interview was recorded the day before the Iranian fatwa over The Satanic Verses forced Rushdie to withdraw into cultural exile and is now being broadcast a year later. Includes excerpt from Herbert Reed Memorial Lecture read by Harold Pinter (and written by Rushdie) and interview with A. S. Byatt. Programme produced by Anthony Denselow.
Paul Allen; Salman Rushdie; Harold Pinter; A. S. Byatt; Anthony Denselow; BBC Radio 4
Books; Authors; Religion; Writers; Freedom of expression; Ethics; Novels; Islam; Fiction; Religious belief; The Satanic Verses; Controversial literature; Fatwa; Salmon Rushdie

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