Broadcasting Bill amendment

Broadcasting Bill amendment
News report; Interview
TX Date
6 Feb 1996
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Last week media tycoon Rupert Murdoch outbid the terrestrial European broadcasters in the battle for TV rights to the Olympics, only for his bid to be turned down in the interests of wider coverage. The House of Lords today passed an amendment to the Broadcasting Bill to restrict TV coverage of eight national sporting treasures to traditional earth-bound broadcasters. The Government lost by 116 votes. Political editor Ed Boyle reports, with contributions from Lord Denis Howell, who moved the amendment; Lord Inglewood (Richard Fletcher-Vane), Secretary of State, National Heritage Department, putting the Government’s position; and former Labour Prime Minister Lord James Callaghan, supporting the amendment.
Denis Howell; James Callaghan; Ed Boyle; Richard Fletcher-Vane
Legislation; Sports competitions; Government; Labour Party; Parliamentary bills; Parliament; Conservative Party; Television; Broadcasting; House of Lords; Satellite television; Cable television; Sky Television; Satellite broadcasting

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