US coverage of first Gulf War air strikes

US coverage of first Gulf War air strikes
News report; Press conference; Speech
TX Date
17 Jan 1991
Year of production
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Nick Peters reports from Washington on the US media coverage of the first allied air strikes of the Gulf War. Includes former Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger speaking on CNN; Bernard Shaw reporting live from Baghdad with Peter Arnett, describing the attacks; White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater announcing the start of Operation Desert Storm; President Bush statement on the reason for the strikes; media briefing on the operation by Defence Secretary Dick Cheney and Colin Powell, charman Joint Chief of Staff. Broadcast on LBC Newstalk
Nick Peters; Caspar Weinberger; CNN; Dick Cheney; George H. W. Bush; Bernard Shaw; Peter Arnett; Marlin Fitzwater; Colin Powell?
USA; Armed forces; UN; Mass media; Aerial bombardment; Military operations; War (concept); Kuwait; Iraq; Gulf War (1990-1991); Saddam Hussein; Baghdad; Operation Desert Storm (1991); Air forces

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