Miners strike - Background to dispute

Miners strike - Background to dispute
News report; Interview; Vox pop
TX Date
12 Mar 1984
Year of production
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Mark Easton provides background information on the miners’ dispute. He explains that when Ian MacGregor was made head of the National Coal Board, he brought with him plans that would change the mining industry forever. The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has launched an appeal to persuade the NCB to change their plans. A regional strike was launched today. Miners in Leicestershire have decided against a strike and have union backing. Workers in Northumberland have rejected union recommendations to come out and area leader Sam Scott is disappointed. Nottinghamshire has yet to come to a decision, but its 32,000 workers are holding a secret ballot. Their regional secretary, Henry Richardson, is appealing to strikers to keep away until after the voting. Clip includes a vox pop with miners.
Henry Richardson; Mark Easton; Sam Scott
Trade unions; Strikes; Labour disputes; Scotland; Kent; Yorkshire; NUM; Coal industry; Wales; Coal miners; Ballots; NCB; Coal mines; Northumberland; Coal Strike (1984-1985); Leicestershire; Ian MacGregor; Durham; South Wales

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