Response to Len Murray’s support of GHCQ strike

Response to Len Murray’s support of GHCQ strike
News report; Interview
TX Date
27 Feb 1984
Year of production
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Rodney Bennett reports on support for proposed strike action at Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). Len Murray, General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), makes it clear that his fury at Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher remains unabated. He believes the unions at Cheltenham have made every effort to assuage government worries and there are no security risks. Kate Losinska, President of the Civil and Public Services Association (CPSA), is also unhappy. She says unions other than hers should be welcome to join the planned action. The Institute of Directors has said that any employer threatened could take the unions to court. Spokesman David Burnside is critical of the TUC. Denis Healey, Shadow Foreign Secretary, expresses his support for the unions.
Len Murray; Denis Healey; Rodney Bennett; David Burnside; Kate Losinska
Trade unions; Government; Labour disputes; TGWU; CPSA; TUC; Margaret Thatcher; Political protests; Civil service; Demonstrations; Civil servants; Employees; AEUW; State security; GCHQ; Democracy; Len Murray; Public servants; Freedom of association

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