Miners strike - Film censored

Miners strike - Film censored
News report; Interview
TX Date
9 Feb 1984
Year of production
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Kevin Murphy reports on a banned mineworkers’ film. A film featuring Coal Board chairman Ian MacGregor was shown to miners in the canteen at Rossington Colliery in Yorkshire. Yesterday, the National Union of Mineworkers tried to hit back by showing a film made by its president, Arthur Scargill, in which he presents the union view on the future of the coal industry. Local pit officials decided it needed censoring before it was viewed on the premises. Scargill protested and says the Coal Board are desperate to prevent the truth being heard. He says it is ridiculous that he can speak on the BBC and ITV about the state of the industry yet the video must be censored. The Coal Board was informed of this interview and have relented, so the video will probably be viewed later today.
Arthur Scargill; Kevin Murphy
Trade unions; Strikes; Labour disputes; Yorkshire; Censorship; Arthur Scargill; NUM; Coal industry; Films; Coal miners; NCB; Coal Strike (1984-1985); Ian MacGregor; Rossington Colliery

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