Ford car factory in Dagenham closing down

Ford car factory in Dagenham closing down
News report; Interview
TX Date
17 Jan 1984
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Neil Mainland reports on the closure of Ford’s car factory in Dagenham. One worker explains how they still thought they would have a future. The company held a short meeting with union officials before making its statement which says the foundry has lost 75 million pounds in the past three years. Ford says it hopes there will be no compulsory redundancies. Dagenham’s local Labour MP Bryan Gould says the shutdown will still affect the area. Transport and General Workers’ Union negotiator Ron Todd says the battle starts here and the whole question of imports will be reviewed.
Ron Todd; Neil Mainland; Bryan Gould
London; Companies; Trade unions; TGWU; Imports; Unemployment; Car industry; Motor vehicle industry; Motor vehicle industry workers; Redundancy terms; Industrial plants; Redundancies; Ford; Dagenham; Foundries

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