MPs vote in favour of war against Iraq

MPs vote in favour of war against Iraq
News report; Speech; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
16 Jan 1991
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MPs in the House of Commons have backed the use of force against Saddam Hussein and Iraq to remove them from Kuwait. MPs voted 534 to 57 in favour of going to war. UK Prime Minister John Major says that the UK will be justified in using force after the United Nations deadline. Labour leader Neil Kinnock supports the Government but former Prime Minister, Edward Heath wants to see more time allowed for sanctions. Labour MPs Tony Benn and Denis Healey both oppose going to war. Peter Spencer reports.
Edward Heath; Peter Spencer; Tony Benn; Denis Healey; Neil Kinnock; John Major; Bernard Weatherill
UK; Economic sanctions; Wars (events); John Major; Kuwait; Iraq; Gulf War (1990-1991)

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