Deployment of the Ark Royal to support troops in Bosnia

Deployment of the Ark Royal to support troops in Bosnia
News report; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
15 Jan 1993
Year of production
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Political correspondent Kevin Murphy reports on Parliamentary reaction to the deployment of HMS Ark Royal with planes and troops to the Adriatic to increase protection for British troops delivering aid in Bosnia. Includes shadow Defence Secretary David Clark raising fears Britain may be drifting into war; Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind stating British troops will not be intervening in the fighting; Conservative opposition from Peter Tapsell and Peter Viggers; support from Liberal Democrat defence spokesman Menzies Campbell. Sound is in mono.
Malcolm Rifkind; Peter Tapsell; Peter Viggers; David Clark; Kevin Murphy; Walter Menzies Campbell
Armed forces; Ethnic conflicts; War (concept); Warships; Wars (events); Religious conflicts; Yugoslavia; Civil wars (events); Bosnia and Herzegovina; Serbia; Yugoslav War (1991-1995); HMS Ark Royal

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