British troops in Bosnia

British troops in Bosnia
News report; Parliamentary debate
TX Date
13 Jan 1993
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Political correspondent Kevin Murphy reports on the expected sending of the HMS Ark Royal to guarantee the protection of British troops delivering aid in Bosnia and earlier Commons debate. Includes Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown calling for increased pressure on the Bosnian Serbs; Prime Minister John Major in reply confirming a peace settlement will be reached; Labour MP David Winnick calling for British troops in Serbia to be more heavily armed; Shadow Defence Secretary Dr David Clark and Conservative MP Peter Viggers on the perceived escalation in British armed involvement. Sound is in mono.
John Major; Paddy Ashdown; Peter Viggers; David Clark; Kevin Murphy; David Winnick
Armed forces; Ethnic conflicts; Peacebuilding; Peacekeeping; Warships; Wars (events); Religious conflicts; Civil war (concept); Bosnia and Herzegovina; Yugoslav War (1991-1995); Ark Royal

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