Homes for votes scandal

Homes for votes scandal
News report; Press conference
TX Date
13 Jan 1994
Year of production
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Peter Deeley reports on auditor John Magill’s findings that Westminster City Council priority regarding designated council house sales was to secure Conservative votes in the 1990 local elections and those to blame should be disqualified from serving in local authorities and pay back money owed. Includes excerpt of Magill’s press conference detailing his findings and listing those responsible; and statement in response read by former council leader Dame Shirley Porter’s lawyer, she is to fight the allegations.
Peter Deeley; John Magill
Elections; London; Reports; Conservative Party; Council housing; Political corruption; Westminster City Council; Housing policy; Auditors; City councils; Shirley Porter; David Weeks; Barry Legg; Peter Hartley; Michael Dutt; Judith Warner; Bill Phillips(?); Graham England; Robert Lewis; Paul Hayler

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