Colour Supplement No.17: interview and music programme

Colour Supplement No.17: interview and music programme
Transmission details
9 Jun 1990 at 21:02
COLOUR SUPPLEMENT No.17: interview and music programme presented by Amanda Ware on Saturday evenings on Ocean Sound North, The Light FM [?] transmitted 21:02-21:58. CD17- Little Amazon Rainforest Park. Amanda Ware is in the local Little Amazon Rainforest to talk with Ian Goodwin, who looks after the place. It is an enourmous area with some of the species and nature of the real Amazon Rainforest. Ian Goodwin makes a tour to the place with Amanda and he shows her some of the species they have there and he describes them and they also talk about the real Rainforest. He shows some parrots, humming-birds, snakes, spiders [tarantula], lizards [water monitors], etc. and he shows also some special trees, like banana tree, rubber tree, exotic plants, etc. They try to replicate the atmosphere of the real Rainforest, by temperature and artificial weather all in the name of conservation. They talk about the conservation of the real Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, and fears of species extinction. In this Little Amazon Rainforest, they are trying to do their best to keep at least the species they have in England for posterity. [Box 12]
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Track 1- Music: 0 [after intro]-5, 22-35 mins. Track 2- Music at approx 12-15 mins. Track 3- Music at approx 10-12 mins.
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Amanda Ware

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