Sunday Supplement: interview and music programme - Ocean Sound - CD64

Sunday Supplement: interview and music programme - Ocean Sound - CD64
Transmission details
22 Jan 1989 at 18:00
The CDs from No. 54 to 74, are Sunday Supplements presented by Amanda Ware, single tracks. Either the tapes have been edited, or the programmes ran without commercial breaks. The transmission time is changed to 18:00-19:00. This is possibly part of re-scheduling following the revision of Ocean Sound on 4th Dec 1988. They are interview and music programmes. CD64- Interview with Mollie Sugden and William Moore, actors. The special guests this evening are 2 people who have managed the difficult task of combining independent show business careers with a very happy married life. Mollie Sugden, born 21 July 1922 as Mary Isobel Sugden and William Moore, born 19 April 1915. At this moment, they are appearing in the pantomine Cinderella and they talk about their lives and their careers. [Box 11]
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Tape out of date sequence. Music at approx 4-7, 11-13, 21-23, 36-39, 42-45, 49-52 mins.
Misc. notes
Single Track
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Mollie Sugden; William Moore; Mary Isobel Sugden
Amanda Ware

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