Sunday Supplement: interview and music programme - Ocean Sound - CD51

Sunday Supplement: interview and music programme - Ocean Sound - CD51
Transmission details
20 Nov 1988 at 16:00
SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT: A series of programmes with interviews and music, transmitted from 16:00 to 17:00 on Ocean Sound North. The Light FM. Presented by Amanda Ware. CD51- Interview with Chas and Dave, from the musical group Chas ‘n’ Dave. In 1972 they developed their own style of music called as the Rockney. They appear in TV series, they have been responsible for increase the sale of a certain brand of beer, and they appear in in a big red book This is Your Life. The group consis of Charles Hodges [piano, vocals, banjo, guitars] and David Peacock [bass guitar, vocals, banjo, guitars] with Mick Burt on drums. They talk about their lives and their careers. [Box 11]
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Track 1- Music at approx 3-5, 7-9 mins. Track 2- Music at approx 3-6, 11-13 mins. Track 3- Music at approx 4-5, 8-12 mins. Track 4- Music at approx 3-6, 7-9 mins.
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Amanda Ware
Chas and Dave; Charles Hodges; David Peacock

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