Ocean Sound This Week No.91: Programme 91 of a weekly News and sports review

Ocean Sound This Week No.91: Programme 91 of a weekly News and sports review
Transmission details
24 Jul 1988 at 19:00
OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 91 Programme 91 of a weekly News and sports review called OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK broadcast by independent radio station OCEAN SOUND on 24th July 1988 Presented by PETE WARDMAN. 00:01-01:14 - INTRODUCTION. 01:16-04:32 -STEVE GATES from I.O.W. programme reports live from Carisbrook Castle about celebrations for 400th Anniversary of defeat of the Spanish Armada. Interview on the re-enaction of Elizabethan age life. 04:34-07:49 - MARIE ALLEN speaks to an Elizabethan sailor who had been wounded and was now a beggar, and other people. 07:88-10:21 - Report on the Fire over England, Beacons. KAREN WOODS describes the lighting of beacons from Lepe Beach. MALDWIN DRUMMOND, Lord of Cadland Manor, sets the scene on the lighting of the Hurst Point beacon. Also talking to LORD MONTAGUE. 11:20-17:05 - KAREN WOODS talks about the martial art of NINPO from Southampton Common. Japenese Gransmaster TANUMRA SENSAI demonstates the art. 20:35-25:20 - DR. GEOFFREY BEATTIE is an expert on body language - he joined GUY HORNSBY on Southsea Beach to observe how body language works and talks about it. 28:10-33:57 - REVIEW OF THE WEEK’S NEWS and SPORTS by KAREN WOODS. 34:52-38:35 - HMS Warrior has been open to the public for one year. GUY HORNSBY reports on how the Warrior, has been received and interviews CAPT. COLIN ALLEN about the work done on the ship over the twelve months and plans for the future. 38:40-43:08 - PETE WARDMAN reports on the Battle of the Bands, and speaks to the group called: THE THREE LITTLE PIGGIES, about themselves and their part in the competition. 43:15-47:36 - NETWORK CHART MUSIC SURVEY - NO. 1 Nothings going to change my love for you, by Glen Madieros. 47:38-50:06 - CLOSING ANNOUNDMENT and MUSIC. [Box 11]
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Track 6 is programme trail with only 0:30 seconds. Outro and programme trail play at 15ips on most tapes. Track 4- Music at 9-12 mins [also under speech in 2nd item].
Misc. notes
1:00 min, Track 5; Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Guy Hornsby; Karen Woods; Marie Allen; Steve Gates
Pete Wardman
Maldwin Drummond; Lord Montague; Tanumra Sensai; Geoffrey Beattie; Colin Allen

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