Ocean Sound This Week No.24: Programme 24 of a weekly news and sports review

Ocean Sound This Week No.24: Programme 24 of a weekly news and sports review
Transmission details
5 Apr 1987 at 19:00
Ocean Sound This Week No. 24 Programme 24 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 5th April 1987. Presented by MATT HOPPER. TRACK 1- GUY PHILLIPS reports on fire at Marks Green, Havant which tragically claimed the lives of 22 year old landscape gardener, JOHN NORTHEY and his pregnant girl friend, FIONA MARSH. Fire thought to have been caused by cigarette lighter igniting furniture on ground floor. DAVID SAUNDERS, who made an attempt at rescue is interviewed as it DOT BUTLER, a neighbour. Fire spread with terrifying rapidity. Five years after the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands MARK PERCY looks back at the events which led Britain into a war to recapture the islands. Major MIKE NORMAN, who led a small force of Royal Marines against the invaders, speaks. Frightening experience. SIR REX HUNT, Governor of the Islands is interviewed regarding the moment of surrender. Was always confident that he would return as Governor. Broad- caster, PATRICT WATTS, was on the air of the local radio station when it was overran. GRISELDA CALDWELL, taken prisoner, speaks. SIR REX says that the current annual cost of the 3,000 troop garrison if 2,752 million pounds. Maj Gen SIR JEREMY MOORE who led Britain’s force to recapture the islands says A necessary thing. TRACK 2- Portsmouth wins award for the best tourist authority in the Country. Leader of the City Council, IAN GIBSON, says It is a tremendous honour. The Drifters sing Come on over to my Place. At Winchester, archaeologists discover biggest national find of the decade only a few inches below the tarmac of St George’s Street car park. It is the foundations of a 13th century house. Exhibition Manager, JO BAILEY, says it could be a major feature of tourist attraction in the City. ALAN JONES reports that despite a 7,000 signature petition, the Empire cinema, Havant has been finally closed. He attends final performance which is of the film Passage to India. Interviews COLIN CROSBY, cinema manager, and RAY COBBETT, leader of campaign to keep cinema open, as well as a number of patrons attending final show. TRACK 3- CHRIS RIDER reviews this week’s news and sport. News - KAREN WOODS reporting. Further comment on tragic fire at Havant. [see report on BAND 1 above] MICHAEL COLVIN, MP for Romsey and Waterside, is interviewed re proposed new coal fired power station at Fawley and gives a cautious welcome. Accepts that there must be a public enquiry but thinks that proposal is in the national interest. IAN CHEESMAN, editor of Computer News, is interviewed regarding the death of DAVID SANDS from Winchester, the latest defence scientist to die in mysterious circumstances. CHEESMAN says that he has some revelations to make. JANE HILL reports on a charge of attempted murder brought against -. They are accused of attempting to kill Lt Cdr IAN PETTET of Denmead. 200 clowns converge on Bognor Regis for the 3rd annual clowns convention having the theme East meets West. Sport - CHRIS SCUDDER reporting. Pompey lose to Bradford 0-1 which will cost them leadership of Division 2. TONY DELAHUNTY calls their performance toothless. Basketball - in semi-final play offs at Wembley Portsmouth lose to BCP London. In a victory against Farnborough Town, Portsmouth reach final of Harp Senior Cup. The Admiral’s Cup sailing team receive 65,000 pounds sponsorship from JAMES CAPEL, a City stockbroker. TRACK 4- ROGER ALDRIDGE of Marks and Spencers, London, is interviewed by CHRIS CARNEGY regarding Marks and Spencers application for large store at Windover Roundabout, Bursledon. ALDRIDGE defends application. 56 percent of shopping trips are now made by car. MARK FLANAGAN interviews shoppers BERYL WEARD of Bitterne Park and Brian and Les from Hedge End. All are in favour of new store and would definitely use it. In continuing his interview, CHRIS CARNEGY talks to ALAN WHITEHEAD, Leader of Southampton City Council, who considers that a large Marks and Spencers store at Bursledon would give them unfair advantage over Southampton’s shopping centre. ALDRIDGE denies this and says that shoppers are entitled to choose. Pensioners without cars will not be denied access to the proposed store. There will be a bus service. Petula Clark sings Downtown. TRACK 5- CAROL LONG of Petersfield, organiser of Compassion in World Farming, is interviewed and speaks of the horrifying conditions under which battery hens are kept. Five to a cage measuring 20 inches square with not enough room to spread their wings and beaks clipped to prevent pecking. Should be a shoppers boycott of battery eggs but cartons do not specifically identify. They only indicate non-battery eggs such as free range. JANE TATUM of Shedfield Publishing Company, Ashford Press, is interviewed regarding recent decision to publish The Life of Our Lord, by Charles Dickens. He wrote it to recite to his children and never intended publication. Ferry Aid sing Let it Be, this week’s Network No 1. [Box 9]
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Track 2- Music at approx 2-4 mins. Track 4- Music at approx 10-12 mins. Track 5- Music at approx 5-12 mins.
Misc. notes
Gauge:-1/8 inch tapw
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Chris Rider; Karen Woods; Guy Phillips; Chris Carnegy; Mark Flanagan; Jane Hill; Alan Jones
Ian Gibson; Alan Whitehead; Ray Cobbett; Colin Crosby; David Saunders; Dot Butler; Sir Rex Hunt; Griselda Caldwell; Sir Rex; Sir Jeremy Moore; Jo Bailey; Michael Colvin; Ian Cheesman; Tony Delahunty; Roger Aldridge; Beryl Weard; Carol Long; Jane Tatum
Matt Hopper

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