Portsea Island Discs: Col Mattheson, jazz musician

Portsea Island Discs: Col Mattheson, jazz musician
Transmission details
17 Mar 1985
This week, Andy Ferriss talks to Col Mattheson, who spent half of his life time involved in promoting jazz. He is also the proprietor of the Concorde Club, a jazz club in a style of jazz cabare, which plays music 2 nights a week. He talks about his life, his career, and jazz and other jazz musicians. [Box 7]
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Track 1- Music at approx 0-4 mins; 7 mins to end. Track 2- Music at approx 1-4 mins; 8 mins to end. Track 3- Music at approx 2-7 mins; 11-13 mins. Track 4- Music at approx 0-3 mins; 5-8 mins; 10 mins to end.
Misc. notes
Speed:- 7.5ips
Production company
Radio Victory
Technical information
1 tape


Andy Ferriss
Col Mattheson

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