Portsea Island Discs: Maurice Slapak, transplant surgeon

Portsea Island Discs: Maurice Slapak, transplant surgeon
Transmission details
3 Mar 1985
This week, Portsea Island Discs brings to the programme one of Britain’s most famous transplant surgeons, working in Portsmouth. His name: Dr Maurice Slapak, and Andy Ferriss talks to him to know more about this fabulous man. Last summer, he was the driving force making a successful transplant olympics held on Sussex Common. He talks about his life and his career. He was bred in Africa, Kenya, with his parents that came from Poland in the early 30s. When he was younger, he came to England alone because he wanted to study to be a doctor. And now, that he is specialized on transplants of organs, he says that we are in short of kidneys. He is waiting for the day when hospitals will be able to dump the dialysis machines and all the bad kidneys can be substituted by human organs transplant. He also talks about blood products and AIDS. [Box 7]
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Track 1- Music at approx 0-3 mins; 7-10 mins. Track 2- Music at 0-4 mins; 7-9 mins; 13-15 mins; 19 mins to end. Track 3- Music at approx 3-6 mins; 8 mins to end. Track 4- Music at approx 4 mins to end.
Misc. notes
Speed:- 7.5ips
Production company
Radio Victory
Technical information
1 tape


Andy Ferriss
Maurice Slapak

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