Portsea Island Discs: Shep Woolley, folk artist and former sailor

Portsea Island Discs: Shep Woolley, folk artist and former sailor
Transmission details
3 Feb 1985
This week, Andy Ferriss interviews Shep Woolley, former naval gunnery instructor, now full time teller of stories, entertainer, folk singer, songwriter, broadcaster, and car removals specialist. His real name is John Thomas Woolley, and he is nicknamed Shep Wooley for various reasons. He talks about his life and his career. He sailed around the world: Russia, Japan, Singapore, Gibraltar, etc. He is from the North of England, born in a small village of coal miners and he ended up settling in Portsmouth. [Box 7]
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Track 1- Music at approx 0-2 mins; 7-9 mins. Track 2- Music at approx 4-6 mins; 11-13 mins. Track 3- Music at approx 2-5 mins; 9 mins to end. Track 4- Music at approx 4-6 mins; 10 mins to end.
Misc. notes
Speed:- 7.5ips
Production company
Radio Victory
Technical information
1 tape


Andy Ferriss; Shep Woolley
Shep Woolley; John Thomas woolley

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This record has been viewed 995 times.