Centre Stage: one of a series of popular arts programmes

Centre Stage: one of a series of popular arts programmes
Transmission details
16 Dec 1985 at 19:00
CENTRE STAGE [Series RADIO VICTORY ARCHIVE] One of a series of popular arts programmes called Centre Stage. Presented by MATT HOPPER. TRACK 1- In - Music. 1. Sophie Galaxy and the Space Witches - play touring local schools by Hugh Jones of Portsmouth Drama Centre played by Cumberland Theatre Company. Intended for 5-8 year olds. Space theme appeals to this age group. Varied reactions - participation of school children more successful in some schools than others. Interviews with main actors who described reception from young audiences, technical effects, job satisfaction. 2. PAUL LEWIS discusses world of theatre critics - failed actors or journalists? Theatre critics usually have no theatre training. Theatre critic reviews probably not have much influence on whether people go to theatre. Critics mood probably not affect review and most critics going to theatre to have a good time - may set higher standards because see more theatre. TRACK 2- In - Good evening... 1. Film review for South Hampshire Santa Claus the Movie, The Goonies, Back to the Future; 2. Arts Review - PAUL LEWIS - events for 1986 bleak outlook for arts in Southampton and Portsmouth. Events happening in Theatre Royal, Winchester. Arts best served in arts centres in south, but may not survive without more funding. Wrong that Southern Arts will not give more money to Centre Ocean Stream. New Festivals: Portsmouth, French Festival Southampton, Film Festival Eastleigh, Arts Festival. Out ... Happy Christmas. [Box 7]
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Gauge:-1/8 inch tape; Speed:- 7.5ips
Production company
Radio Victory
Technical information
1 tape


Matt Hopper
Paul Lewis

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